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State Stores


State Store

The 'state-store' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
State Store is a local storage used in Kafka Streams to store and retrieve stateful information, allowing stateful operations like aggregations and joins.

State Store Types

The 'store-type-inmemory' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
In-Memory Store is a state store type that holds data in the application's memory, providing fast access but limited by memory size and volatility.
The 'store-type-rocksdb' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
RocksDB Store is a persistent state store backed by RocksDB, enabling efficient storage and retrieval of large datasets on disk.
The 'store-type-lrucache' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
LRU Cache Store is a state store type that uses an in-memory cache with a Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction policy, providing fast access with limited memory footprint.

State Store Variants

The 'store-variant-global' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
Global Store is a variant of state store that is replicated to all instances of the Kafka Streams application, allowing global access to state data across partitions.
The 'store-variant-versioned' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
Versioned Store is a state store variant that maintains multiple versions of values over time, enabling access to historical state values for each key.
The 'store-variant-read-only' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
Read-Only Store is a variant of state store that allows read access but prevents modifications, typically used in queryable state scenarios. (ref KIP-813)

State Store Attribute - Logged

The 'store-attrib-logged' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
Logged State Store is a state store where changes are automatically logged to a Kafka changelog topic, enabling fault tolerance and recovery.
The 'store-attrib-not-logged' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
Non-Logged State Store is a state store without Kafka-backed logging.

State Store Attribute - Cached

The 'store-attrib-cached' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
Cached State Store is a state store with an in-memory write buffer. Updates to the state store are buffered and only flushed to disk (when using RocksDB) and changelog topic (when logging enabled) on buffer overflow or when offsets are committed.
The 'store-attrib-not-cached' component of the KSTD Excalidraw library
Non-Cached State Store is a state store that does not buffer, essentially flushes and forwards immediatly after processing.