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Library Overview

Component Tree

Here’s a grouped list of all KSTD library components provided:

  • Fundamentals
    • Header (title, date, version)
    • Topology
    • Sub-topology
    • Legend (portrait, landscape)
    • KSTD Watermark 🦦
  • Topics & Events
    • Topic ‘Simple’
    • Topic the Apache Kafka® logo
    • Topic the Apache Kafka® logo (2)
    • Key-Value Record
    • Key-Value Record Typed
  • Kafka Streams DSL Operators
    • KStream
    • KTable
    • GlobalKTable
    • filter
    • map
    • mapValues
    • flatMap
    • flatMapValues
    • process
    • processValues
    • transformValues
    • split
    • merge
    • join
    • repartition
    • selectKey
    • groupBy
    • reduce / aggregate
    • count
    • peek
    • forEach
  • Windowing
    • Windowed
  • State Stores
    • State Store
    • State Store Types
    • State Store Variants
    • State Store Attribute - Logged
    • State Store Attribute - Cached
  • Advanced
    • Punctuator
    • Partitioner
    • Stateful
    • Repartitioned
  • Descriptions
    • Description - Inline
    • Step Description - Footer Box
    • Step Description Callout
  • External Interfaces
    • External API
    • External System
  • Other
    • Markers
    • Numeric Indicator